Hi, I’m Leila
I thought I would start my story with the words, “When I was in your shoes…” but the truth is, once our lives are touched by infertility, we never completely leave those ‘shoes’ behind.
However, we can learn how to walk compassionately through our lives wearing them. When I was confronted with infertility in 2016, I felt overwhelmed and all-consumed.
I had been looking forward to a life changed by the experience of being a parent, not by the struggle to become one.
Surges of unpredictable grief, hopelessness, frustration, jealousy, anxiety and despair replaced my joyful fantasies about pregnancy, birth and building a family. As many people do, I descended into an identity crisis, wondering if I would ever be a parent — and who I would be if I didn’t.
The physical agony of treatment protocols, my nearly non-existent capacity for outside relationships and the mental and emotional toll piled up and left me lost and alone. My medical treatment lacked mental, emotional or spiritual consolation or care. And the one person devoted to walking alongside me — my loving husband — was often just as helpless and ill-equipped as I was for the experience we’d been hurled into.
At times, my husband and I became two ships in the night, utterly disconnected yet trying to navigate rocky and uncharted waters toward a foggy future.
There was no one to turn to and no end in sight.
As I struggled to accept my new and unexpected reality, I recognized that infertility stirred every part of me. Decades-old traumas, unrelated to infertility, were coming up while my anxieties remained locked on the unknown future. I knew I couldn’t be the only human who had ever experienced this turmoil, uncertainty, stress, and shame. I began to search for a gentler way…
The hard work of developing deep and enduring compassion for myself and the unimaginable difficulties I faced is where I began to find healing.
I came to an understanding, and ultimately acceptance, that I could never completely take away the pain or grief of infertility. Yet, I started to see a glimmer of hope that I didn’t have to just tolerate suffering through it, either. And I desperately wanted to experience some joy again. Making these shifts through therapeutic work put me in a much better place to navigate several more rounds of IVF. I grew a sense of possibility again, despite my infertility struggle and its continued uncertainty.
Over the years, as I discovered profound and compassionate ways to cope with infertility’s indefinite nature and uncertainty, my passion for supporting individuals, couples and groups navigating this journey multiplied.
Now, it is my mission to help people learn how to create meaningful lives, stronger relationships and inner clarity. all the while they navigate the uncertainty of infertility and ultimately, the uncertainty that is life. And I work with men, women and individuals who hold identities outside of the gender binary.

Our journey to a full-term pregnancy spanned six years, eleven rounds of IVF, including many with the use of egg donation, as well as a heartbreaking miscarriage. In early 2022, we decided that we were on our last round of IVF. We were blessed nine months later with our beautiful daughter, Maëlle.
My Professional Credentials

I have been supporting individuals impacted by infertility for over eight years, four of those in a professional therapeutic capacity. I’m a Certified Compassionate Inquiry® Practitioner trained by Dr. Gabor Maté and a Certified Positive Psychology Practitioner.
I’m a member of the Positive Psychology Guild in the United Kingdom (PPG) and the International Association of Positive Psychology Coaches in the United States (IAPPC). In addition, I have a Master’s Degree in the Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health from King’s College London.
My focus with clients is rooted not only in Compassionate Inquiry® and Positive Psychology but also in my own prolonged experience with infertility, as well as my own life experience with childhood trauma and ensuing healing process. Together, we’ll work through the challenges of your infertility journey as you navigate this pivotal time in your life.